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`dorcas+silly gal

sweets, i dont want you. I NEED YOU. ):


February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008



alex ; ANNETTE (: ; azizi ; BELLY (: ; cheekit ; clemence ; dawn ; debrah ; enoch ; huiling ;
isaac ; ivan ; jacquelynn ; janet ; jean ; jerome ; jialing ; joethy ; joy molina ; joy sim ; maple ; nicolette ; serene ; shengwei ;
SOPHIA (: ; wendy ; YULIAN (:


Desinger: insanezinc♥
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Wednesday 19 December 2007
> 12:48:00 pm.

went back to schoool with wen xi and hwee eng to help mr gansan file all his maths worksheet. it was in total mess. super super super messy. cos his worksheets were everywhere. three bags to clea. and about 6 files to organize. may be more. it was quite fun though there was alot to do. we laughed here and there and man teachers would be thinking that we are crazy. cos three of us were screaming very loud. and mr ow told us that he could hear us from inside the staffroom. i was like"huh?! really?!" hahas. we had macs for lunch. mr ganesan was so nice he paid for us. three gals spend $24.90 on macs la. and we asked for 8 curry sauce, 2 bbq sauce and alot alot alot of chilli sauce. and they really gave us alot alot alot. and i had to bring it home. lol.

n level results came out. all three of us were so worried. cos we were told that the n level result will be a gange for the o level results. i was pretty worried about both ivan's results and MINE!!! definately. some teachers told us that they did quite okay.so we got a real shock. scary. Cikgu talked to me.

her; aye. why you here? why dont look for your boyfriend? he very happy you know.
me; how much he got?
her; 6 POINTS!

6 POINTS?! i was like so good ah? if my o levels get 6 points i happy already. but they only count 3 subjects. so its quite good already. goodie goodie. yep. of course i am happy for him. at least he can go sec 5 next year.

{not completing this post}

Thursday 13 December 2007
> 7:48:00 pm.

HORRIBLE! T.T i went to have my wisdom tooth extracted. its super painful! during the process and after the numbness had gone away. the pain is super uncomfortable. i kept wailing and crying at home. i cant take the pain at all. its very very very painful. when i opened my mouth i could actually see a hole. A BIG HOLE! but now its much better. i slept the whole afternoon cos i was really really tired.

after the operation. mum and dad brought me to vivo city to show the pullover that i always wanted. i could use it when i go korea and new zealand! yay. i really cant wait to go new zealand. i can get to meet uncle neil and auntie alison. and not forgetting toffee. if he is still around. hahas. korea would be exciting! heh. i bought the purple puma pullover. purple is my colour. and mum said that i would confirm go for purple. and i did! hahas. purple is nice! i love love love purple.

i so so so miss my silly boy! just wish i could spend time with him! PLEASE?! give me that time where i can be with him. just for a while!

Wednesday 12 December 2007
> 10:42:00 pm.

came back from sentosa trip today. it was awesome with the dwarfs. sadly, spohia wasnt able to come. cos her mum didnt allow her to stayover at sentosa. so we cant really do anything. but to accept her mum's decision.

met up with chris to go sophia's house together. and also met hwee eng and yulian halfway. walked to sop's house together. weather was horrble the whole day. it kept raining non-stop. so i reached pretty late. watched a bit of tv at her house. after that we left the house to meet wenxi and head for the cathay to catch our movie. we wanted to watch midnight movie. but sop said its better to watch an earlier show like aroud 9 plus. so we listened to her. had long john's for dinner. and went to watch our movie. "The Golden Compass" it's was good. but christian's was not suppose to watch it cos it was anti-christian. but i go for the storyline and pictures. and not the gossips and everything. just watch it for fun. so i supposed there's nothing wrong with that. reached back at sop's house about 12 reaching 1. super late. but it was fun. going out at night to catch a movie with friends.that's the first time i am doing that. take a quick bath and watched tv again. the normal things i do at home. get ready the bed and everything it was already reaching 3. i should have died already. chris and sop died already. but i still cant. cos the other four are playing cards. i only went to sleep at like 4 and woke up again at 4.58! after that i cant sleep already. cos it was super noisy. den they continued to play till about 6. den all of could sleep. lol.

supposed to wake up at 8. but we all woke up at 9.30. when sop was suppose to leave house for some church thing. so we quickly got up and packed the place our things. get washed up. and everything. went down for breakfast. delicious. auntie cooked really nice. and we went talking talking and talking. almost about eveything. till about 11 plus. then some of us were like saying when are we going to leave. till wenxi opend her mouth to say that we have to go. lol. we get changed and everything and left the place. took a train down to vivocity to buy some food foor supper in the hotel/resort. bought quite alot of stuff man! people would think that we are crazy! really! i saw ralene with her mum at the supermarket too. after that we took a tram down to the hotel/resort which we are going to stay. we took a really long time to check in. cos there were some misunderstanding here and there. we got one room first as the other was not ready. so all of us cramped in to one small room. we all started running here and there cos the room is very very nice though its small. there is also a balcony. really cool! we watched a bit of tv cos some of then were deciding what to do later in the day. so we say we go have an early dinner den go get tickets for the "Songs of the Sea" i shared food with hwee eng cos its really ex and quite a lot. it started to rain. so chris hwee eng and me went back to the hotel and get our umbrellas. then headed down to take a bus to the end. we waited for them there. and saw them really drenched. we didnt care. hahas. they are really funny. hahas. bought the late ticket so we could play at the beach.started playing at the little fountain. in the end i got wet. sigh. hahas. but its fun. really. went down to the beach and played. but i didnt get wet. but pushed nette into the sea. hahas. it then started to rain again. so we headed for shelter. and bought ice cream! its really nice. then some guys from some other country came over and asked if we could take photo with them. them we all said okay. since they are from overseas. why not? really funny. den we took a tram round sentosa before our show. we walked up to some place where there are alot of bells. its playing some song. its really beautiful. den we headed down to the place to queue. many ppl started to queue already. so fast. "Song of the Sea" its really nice. i love the fire works and lightings. its really really nice! after the show we headed back to the hotel/resort. got the other room. and started to get washed up. cos all of us are wet and cold. hahas. bath was really refreshing. so warm. hahas. after that we headed to wenxi's room. by the way, i slept with yulian and chris. and the rest slept together. yup. the room was super packed. with us and food. hahas. watched the last part of with yoohee. i like the show. cooked cup noodles. we didnt have utensild to eat! so we called room service. watched and eat. we all started painting our nails. hahas. all of us painted anyway. hahas. i paint my toe nails pink! hahas. its really nice. i didnt want to paint my fingers cos if it turns yellow. i will scream. at least toe nials aint that obvious. and my finger nails didnt look suitable to be painted. after looking at my nails. i decided to get more clours to paint my nails. its really fun. by 1, we all get back to our rooms and sleep. KING SIZE BED! hahas. really big! sweet dreams~!

woke up like around 10 plus. but yulian left already. sad. so both me and chris got the whole bed. washed up. packed up and eat our lunch at 11 plus cos it was time to check out already. we rushed out cos we were late. hahas. but they didnt charged us. so dont worry. hahas. both me and chris left. cos i wanted to meet mum at orchard. so i went chris house first and headed to orchard with chris. reached there real late. at 3 when i was suppose to meet mum at 2. opps. she didnt say anything. mum had at lunch at yoshinoya. i ate dumplings. and i saw jean!! bought some art stuff christmas gifts. exciting!! then we headed home cos mum needed to cook dinner early as i have photo class. and here i am blogging. thats all for now. photos will be up as soon as i get them from nette and chris.

Monday 3 December 2007
> 9:52:00 pm.

back from youth camp just a few hours ago. made alot alot of new friends. those from preaching point and from the BB. they really made the whole camp so much fun.

chew yee (adult leader)
dorcas (group leader)
benita(assisstant group leader)
samuel yeo -_-
jaye(cute boy!!)
daniel(preaching point)
hu rui(BB)

went to church at about 9 plus. letitia and grace were there already. i thought i would be early. lol. we collected our shirts, nametags and files for the camp. and asked everyone to gather in groups. i was the only girl in the group. at that time only. went over to 7/11 to get some snacks in case we get hungry at night. hahas. actually there would be supper. hahas. but what i have just said just in case. took the bus to Singapore Vision Farm. where our camp is held. its actually quite scary when it comes to the night time. imagine yourself in pitch darkness. we got in our groups and waited for the rest to come. finally Chew Yee came. at least i wont be alone! hahas. played wacko while waiting for lunch. it was really scary. lucky Chew Yee said she very protective. not that bad la. i didnt get hit. only at the end. when they say stop playing. hahas. 'cos lunch was here already. lunch was huge. they packed alot. i actually could not finish. den played more ice breakers to get everyone started. then we changed to clothes that we want to get dirty with. 'cos it was time for dirty games. dirty games were really really dirty! yuck! hahas. in the end i got myself all wet. 'cos shaun koh got me all wet. i just wanted to wash my hair cos it was all soapy and you got me all wet! it was really cold after getting wet. both me and letitia was having a hard time climbing the slope. finally benita came 'cos it was really cold! at night was theme talk one and worship. sermon was really hard to understand. i not really sure if the younger ones could understand. cos some of the older ones had diffuculties understanding too. when it was over. all of us rushed to our rooms. it was crazy! we had camp debrief. i was busy disturbing andrew. hahas. he is super super funny. after that Chew Yee prayed for me. and we talked alot. after that alwyn and brother came over and teached chew yee how to play barang barang. same game as bupbadup. hahas. chew yee had a hard time understanding.

had breakfast , QT and singspriration. it was great. had workshop. fish farming. hahas. not really fun la. lol. den we went to played some games with the rest of the group. lol. i forgot what kind of games.thats cos we were all waiting for lunch to come.after lunch was break. i wanted to sleep but it was too short. so i just lie on the bed. then was theme talk two . i nearly fell asleep. super tired. could actually understand a bit la. not that bad. after sermon we watched a movie. organized by derek. the show was amazing. i could really understand after aunty kathleen explained to chew yee benita and me. the disscusion was really tough. i dont really know how to answer. the movie took up quite alot of time. and soon dinner was here. so all got to eat. i shared with benita cos i was not really very hungry. we had night activity. its like amazing race. it was really fun. we get to run around and do many different kind of stations. derek's idea again! its always him. hahas. he is really good. i heard some hurtful things and angela told me if i really didnt do it. God will know. i dont have to really take thier words seriously. but in the end they came and said sorry. i wont blame them anymore. didnt had supper. so we ate potato chips.had debrief and went to take my bath.

morning was as usual. benita left but for workshop we had games but some groups went for fish farming.game was fun. and has a meaning to it. "all of us has a role to play in the kingdom God has created" i agree with this. went back up to wait for lunch. but me and chew yee took bicyles from alwyn and brother to cycle. we went down the slope and went round round. we could go down the slope and couldnt get up. the slope was too steep. we laughed all the way up. hahas. after lunch we had rest for one hour. grace left and letitia was sleeping. i was playin games with chew yee and the BB boys. and some other adult leaders. really thinking game la. lol. den was captains ball. we lost in every game. nah. its okay. its just a game. after that chew yee and i was busy talking about guys around us. hahas. but i told her i had someone in my heart already. hahas. when it was time to bathe. both me and letitia ran for the batheroom. super crazy. we didnt want to wait. den it was dinner. both letitia and i went to the pond there and ate our dinner. hahas. after that was theme talk three and worship. again i nearly fell asleep. we watched a short clip and had holy communian. and sat down to had worship. everyone started praying for each other. aunty amy prayed for me. tears started to roll down my cheeks. soon i could feel that God was there beside me, feeling so overwhelmed by heat. i know it was Him. i felt like that before. after all these. brother cried so hard. so so hard. but all i could do is tell him not to cry. but God will understand what he is going through. had supper. and stayed up till about 3 plus. star gazed with letitia and andrew. and he taught me alot alot. he is funny guy! played games with the BB boys so both me and letitia could stay awake.but chew yee went to sleep. jerel(bb guy) said i went high. jun wei didnt understanf what both letitia and i were talking. so does jerel. jerel kept asking me to tell him what both of us were talking. hahas. but we didnt. den we decided to sleep. super super tired.

going home! morning is as usual. packed up. clean the area. had photo taking. funny man! hahas. prize presentation! my group was waiting to be called as one of the consolation prize. den when we heard we emerged top 3. i started screaming la. didnt expect this to happen. lol. hahas. not sure whether we are third or second la. brother called me to share how was the camp like. SABOH! jaye's brother is super cute. hahas. uncle albert sent me home with brother's stuff. slept for many hours. and woke up for dinner. and teevee!

cant wait for next year's camp. if there is.