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`dorcas+silly gal

sweets, i dont want you. I NEED YOU. ):


February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008



alex ; ANNETTE (: ; azizi ; BELLY (: ; cheekit ; clemence ; dawn ; debrah ; enoch ; huiling ;
isaac ; ivan ; jacquelynn ; janet ; jean ; jerome ; jialing ; joethy ; joy molina ; joy sim ; maple ; nicolette ; serene ; shengwei ;
SOPHIA (: ; wendy ; YULIAN (:


Desinger: insanezinc♥
Help from: 1, 2, 3

Thursday 12 October 2006
> 8:05:00 pm.

today was the last day of exams! actually it was yesterday. but today was just listening comprehension. but others had other papers. so hwee eng, annette, sophia and i had to wait for the rest to finish so we could make the birthday present for amin. so the four of us while waiting for the rest to finish, we went to IKEA to had breakfast since some people havent eat yet. so that breakfast was actually my second breakfast so i decided not to eat lunch later if the 7 of us were going to eat. nealr all of us bought the same thing except for hwee eng. she ate just onion rings and drank sprite. early in the morning drink sprite. LOL. den i went to buy another burger cos it was super nice so i bought another one. sophia started acting cute so we took pictures of her. after we had our breakfast. we went to the toilet and started taking pictures in the toilet. i know it was retarded. but it was super fun we use the big big mirror to take our reflections. we had enough and started to head back for school cos wen xi finished her paper and had been waiting for us for a long time. so we quickly go back to school to meet her. when we went back to school, we saw wen xi sitting at the staircase. could tell she was really very bored. and had nothing to do. and she said she was hungry so gave her a bite of my burger. after that we went to the classroom and started talking cos it was super hot outside. so we went in to have the fan. after that i fell asleep, wenxi pulled me off the chair so get me out of the classroom to go canteen to eat. we went there to wait for yulian to finish her paper. after yulian finished ther paper we went to d&t workshop to make the present. but they did not have the materials for us so we had to get him something else. so now we had to wait for christabel to finish her paper so we could go town together to get the present.

at town, we went to the dont know what shop is that. wen xi decided to buy the bloody hand thing for amin. just to give him a fright. we took quite a long time to decide what to buy. we went back in to the shop. the stupid monster scared nearly all of us some even started screaming. i saw the shopkeeper making balloons so i asked if i could have one and i ask him for more. so the rest asked him for the balloon. after we bought the present, he showed us some tricks. he showed us quite alot of tricks. we were all amused by it and wanted more. it was time for me to go because or my curfew. i told her about the timing she said she knew the timing { like real} and one person said we have been here for along time and should get going and even said bye bye { i wont take that bye bye you said for real. you bye bye seems be like saying hello again}. i went outside to wait. LIKE AN IDIOT! none of them came out! i was super ANGRY. i passed the present back to that person so i could leave. i got really irritated! i just walked away. sigh. i just wish i was never ever born and go through this STUPID situation. sigh.